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Moderate Kingdom: Somewhere Between Worlds

Fresh from a short hiatus as a producer, Italian artist Gianluca Annoscia is back with renewed passion and creativity as he kicks off a new era under his Moderate Kingdom alias with the drop of his new EP, Seyane.

Fresh from a short hiatus as a producer, Italian artist Gianluca Annoscia is back with renewed passion and creativity as he kicks off a new era under his Moderate Kingdom alias with the drop of his new EP, Seyane. A genre-defying outing that juxtaposes rich Afro-laced flourishes with a modern allure, his latest two-track delivery sees Gianluca making his ICONYC debut as he sets forth to new lands.

Ahead of the release of Seyane, Type < / 01 caught up with Gianluca Annoscia, as we dove deep into the meaning of the record, how it was created, learned more about his studio process, new expectations, and more.

Hey Gianluca! How are you doing? Where are you at? Thank you for joining us today.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for having me here with you! Everything is fine here! I just got back home after finishing my daily workout by the sea and I'm super energized.

Nice one! We know the Italian coast is something to behold. By the way, congratulations on the release of your ICONYC EP, Seyane. We can imagine the excitement must be high! So, how are you feeling about this one?

Thank you! I'm actually thrilled about this EP because it's been some years now since I last released any music. Over the years, I traveled a lot and I've been deeply inspired by a wide range of musical styles and cultures, and I wanted to make these 2 tracks to materialize that diversity and innovation.

Well, digging into the record, there is a really eclectic feel throughout “Seyane”, in what is a true meeting of worlds, without ever being boxed in clearly in a genre. What’s the inspiration for this one? How did this one come about?

The inspiration for "Seyane" came from a desire to explore various musical influences as afro house vocals and electronic melodies blending them together in a way that transcends traditional genre boundaries. As for how it sees the light, it was a natural evolution of my creative journey, driven by experimentation, allowing me to come organically to create something unique and vibrant that fully represents me behind the decks right now.

And the B/side, “Zegama”’s this almost trance-laced take on Afro-house that feels like a moment of true hope. What’s “Zegama” to you? Where did this one come from? Is there a meaning to the word?

“Zegama” serves as a melodic voyage, a blend of African drums and trance-infused synths that transport listeners to a realm of genuine optimism and euphoria. this track transcends conventional boundaries, inviting listeners on a journey through pulsating beats and ethereal soundscapes. The word “Zegama” has no specific meaning, but it is a phonetic expression that encapsulates the essence of the energy and emotion I would like to spread to the listeners.

By the way, this is your 10th anniversary as Moderate Kingdom, right? What has the journey so far been like? Did you ever imagine that it would pan out this way?

My 10th anniversary as Moderate Kingdom is a milestone that holds deep personal significance for me. Reflecting on the journey thus far, it's been a remarkable path of growth, creativity, and shared experiences. The best is yet to come.

And music-wise? Are you making the music that you thought you’d be making when you first started with music production? What do you think of the voice you have found as an artist?

My journey in music production has been a constant evolution. the vision I had when I first started, has evolved so much over time. I've explored different genres, techniques, and sounds, allowing myself to be open to new influences and experiences. Along the way, I've discovered a unique voice as an artist, one that reflects my personal experiences, emotions, and creative impulses. I'm excited to see where it will take me in the future.

Do you usually take your time when composing a track? Or do you feel a need to get some core elements down as fast as possible?

When composing a track, my approach can vary depending on the inspiration and creative flow at the moment. Sometimes, I find it beneficial to take my time, allowing ideas to develop organically and exploring different possibilities before settling on a direction.

However, there are also moments when inspiration strikes, and I feel a need to capture the essence of a track quickly! In these moments, I focus on getting down core elements—such as melodies, chord progressions, or rhythms—as fast as possible to preserve the initial creative spark. Later, I can refine and expand upon these ideas during the production process.

And how do you feel about the use of AI in music? Have you implemented any form of AI in recent productions?

I've never used AI in my productions, and it doesn't particularly excite me. I prefer to rely on my instincts and creativity to make music, rather than using algorithms or automated software. I believe that the creative process is a personal and subjective experience, and I prefer to maintain complete control over my creations without the assistance of these tools.

Since we’re on the production front…where do you usually go to for inspiration? Do you have any routines or activities that help you open up creatively?

I find my inspiration in everyday life experiences, emotions, and personal reflections. Whether it's a profound moment of joy, a challenging situation, or a fleeting feeling, I try to channel these experiences into my music, infusing them with authenticity and depth. And listening to a variety of music also keeps me inspired and helps me discover new sounds.

Stepping outside of the studio now…How do you feel about the current state of our scene?

For sure advances in technology and social media have made it easier for everyone to share their work with a global audience, fostering more collaboration and connection within the scene.

I believe it's essential to continually seek out new inspirations and embody them to make your sound unique. The music scene thrives on innovation and individuality, you just need to create something truly distinctive infusing the music with your own personal touch.

Having gone over the recent past and the present, what’s next for Moderate Kingdom? What new milestones are you looking forward to? Where can your fans catch you next?

Looking ahead, my focus will be on making new music and reaching new milestones. I'm excited about the prospect of sharing fresh tracks with my fans and continuing to grow as an artist. You can catch me next at various festivals and parties here in Puglia. Stay tuned for updates on my upcoming performances!

Thank you for your time Gianluca! Best of luck with Seyane. Catch you on the dancefloor!

Thanks for the love guys, what a ride! See you soon!

Moderate Kingdom’s Seyane EP is out now via ICONYC. Buy or stream here.

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