Revered techno figurehead Monika Kruse's talent and dedication made her one of the world's most highly-respected DJs and producers, who has inspired many in her 25-year-long career. She started the Terminal M label in 2000, and it remains one of the most consistently outstanding techno labels. Monika Kruse joined us for Familia's 5th Birthday celebrations with her label showcase. We briefly chatted with Techno's First Lady…

Revered techno figurehead Monika Kruse's talent and dedication made her one of the world's most highly-respected DJs and producers, who has inspired many in her 25-year-long career. She started the Terminal M label in 2000, and it remains one of the most consistently outstanding techno labels. Monika Kruse joined us for Familia's 5th Birthday celebrations with her label showcase. We briefly chatted with Techno's First Lady… 

You've played the piano since an early age, subsequently training your ear and leading to where you are now in your career. Is current or previous experience with a musical instrument essential learning for a budding producer? 

It's not essential, but it definitely helps. I was learning classical piano when I first started my training and later Jazz; my knowledge of harmonizing and how it affects the way music sticks in your head has given me more space to improvise on my productions and also how I put my feelings into a track. Many artists fall into the trap of perfectionism in their work, from the tracks they produce to the selection and mixing techniques throughout their DJ sets. 

Do you ever fall into this 'perfectionist' category with music production and DJing? How do you overcome something that's arguably a slightly negative way of working? 

Oh, ha, that's an excellent question! I am 100% a perfectionist; I'm rarely satisfied with my sets, and sometimes, I go home and think, "Ah, I could have done this better". This way of thinking is helpful to me; if every time I played, I was satisfied, it would mean I hadn't given myself room for improvement. The pressure now is higher these days than ever due to social media. Everyone is recording you with their phones, or you're being live-streamed, and once it's out there, it's out there. Producing it is hard, as I always feel the track needs to be finished. Still, it is essential to let go of the feeling of perfectionism and, at one point, to release the track.

With news of political upheaval in the daily headlines, tell us about your charity 'No Historical Backspin', and how this combats racism and violence.

I founded this organization in the year 2000 when there was lots of violence against refugees, but also against gay people. Some of my gay friends were getting attacked on the streets after parties, and when DJ Rush was assaulted because he was black, I strongly felt I had to speak out and do something about this. If I went to the club with a message or threw a party with this in mind, people might start to think and dance. I remember a few occasions where we met some really right-wing people at the party (which was good) because we were able to have a discussion and say, "Hey if we can all show love on the dancefloor, why can't we show love off it?" and that's really what the mission is. At a Backspin party, all the DJs play for free, and all the money raised goes to victims of these attacks, usually paying for lawyers or medical bills. We've now raised over € 100,000, so I'm thrilled.

Tell us about living in Berlin, the best place for crate digging, the most outrageous club space, your favorite bar, and the best place for a meal after a night DJing or just enjoying the city's nightlife. 

Hard Wax is definitely top for records; they have a lot of Detroit stuff you can't get in many other shops; it's extraordinary. Unfortunately, many good stores have closed because of the record crisis, which is a real pity. The best place to get a late dinner or an early breakfast is at home. I like to cook; I can make some noodles and then get straight into bed! 

You're no stranger to playing at Familia parties here in Egg; this is your third booking with the Familia clan. What's so special about this party makes you want to return each time?

The thing about Familia and Egg is that we are good friends. I've known Gabby since I DJed at Trade, and now I'm here for Familia. This party, this club, is really about family. If I play abroad, you guys will always come along to my show; you stay in contact even if I'm not playing here; that means a lot to me. This industry is now just about business, but you guys make it more than that. I'm grateful you allowed me to showcase my label here and invite artists who have never played in London, like tonight with Skober. You trust and support me, my artists, and my belief in them.


Orginal Intwerview by Egg London:


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