Axel Bray Axel Bray

Solique: No Ordinary Thing

Based in Germany, Solique is a dynamic production duo consisting of Julien and Can. Drawing inspiration from artists like Adriatique, Denis Horvat, Dixon, Fideles, and more, Solique has carved out a unique space in the electronic music scene.

Based in Germany, Solique is a dynamic production duo consisting of Julien and Can. Drawing inspiration from artists like Adriatique, Denis Horvat, Dixon, Fideles, and more, Solique has carved out a unique space in the electronic music scene. Despite being partners, friends, and roommates, it is their shared passion for electronic music and their collaborative efforts in playing and producing that truly solidify their bond.

Solique's performances are marked by a rare sense of mutual connection, offering meditative and assertive experiences that challenge listeners with unexpected yet intuitive twists and turns. Their sound is characterized by a deep understanding of rhythm and melody, creating immersive musical journeys that captivate audiences.

The duo's ability to seamlessly blend their influences into a cohesive and distinctive style sets them apart, making Solique a name to watch in electronic dance music. Whether through live performances or studio productions, Julien and Can continue to push the boundaries of their craft, delivering innovative and engaging music that resonates with fans worldwide.

Ahead of their performance at “WE ARE ICONYC x DI.FM“, and the drop of their new Ordinary Things EP for ICONYC, Type < / 01 Magazine caught up with Julien & Can for an in-depth look at the record, their creative process, the evolution of Solique, and more.

Hello Julien! Can! How are you doing? How have you been? Thank you for joining us today. It’s a pleasure to have you with us.

Hey, it’s also a pleasure for us. Thanks for the invite. We are doing just perfect, summer finally arrived in our city and we are preparing for some busy months.

Sounds like everything’s under control. By the way, congratulations on the recent release of your latest single, Ordinary Things! You must be psyched to have this one out. What has the initial reception been like so far? How has this one gone down with the crowd? Do you remember the first time you played it in a club or festival?

Thank you! We're not entirely certain if it was the very first time, but one of the earliest instances was definitely at our own event series, Punkt Punkt Komma Strich. The crowd reaction was always fantastic, and many people asked us about the track. With ICONYC we found a great home for that track.

So, what can your fans and ICONYC devotees come to find on Ordinary Things? Is there an emotional trigger driving this cut?

We aimed to create something that not only gets people moving, but also touches them on an emotional level. The emotional trigger for this cut is nostalgia. It brings back memories of simpler, happier times, making us long for the past.

There’s a very alluring vocal sample sitting at the heart of Ordinary Things. Something that stands between warmth and melancholy in a sense…or nostalgia, as just said. What can you tell us about this bit? Did you guys create the piece around it? Did that come into play later?

Absolutely! We love that kind of vocals, and the sample was definitely the cornerstone for us in creating "Ordinary Things". It served as the key element that inspired the entire track. Once we had that sample, the rest of the instrumental naturally fell into place around it and we completed the track in a pretty short amount of time.

What’s your relationship in the studio like by now? Do you guys have you have set roles in the studio? Do you tend to play on each other's strengths?

Initially, we did have distinct roles in the studio, however, over the past few years, we both contributed to all aspects of the production process. Nowadays, we are sending sketches back and forth and we are working on them together a few days a week.

And where does Ordinary Things stand in your catalog? Does it bring something that wasn’t there before?

It's definitely our fastest track to date, clocking in at 126 BPM, which brings a high-energy vibe that we're really excited about. We designed this track with the intention of making it perfect for bigger stages and large audiences.

By the way, you guys are Austrian and Swedish and met in Australia. Is that right? How did you guys come to meet? Was the idea for Solique an instant thing or did that come with time?

We've been friends since we were quite young. Both of us grew up in the same area in Cologne. We always shared the same taste in music. The idea of forming a duo naturally developed over time as we started going out frequently and listening to many DJs. We began by teaching ourselves everything from scratch. After some time, we started to get opportunities to play a few gigs around Cologne.

Reflecting on the sound of Ordinary Things, are you making the music that you thought you’d be making when you first started? If not, what do you think of the voice you have found as artists?

I think it's crucial for an artist to evolve. We've definitely grown since we first started, and our music now reflects that progression. While "Ordinary Things" is different from our early work, it represents the unique voice we've discovered along the way.

Moving into a hot topic…what do you guys think of the implementation of AI in music? Has any form of AI been implemented in Ordinary Things? What’s your relationship with that likes?

There’s always a good and a bad side, for now, AI gives you a bunch of new options in the form of useful tools.

However, we believe that the heart and soul of music still come from human emotion and intuition. For us, the key is blending the innovative power of AI with the authenticity and personal touch that makes music resonate with listeners.

Now that Ordinary Things is out, what’s next for Solique? What new milestones are you looking forward to? Where can your fans catch you next?

We have some things in store. Can’t say much about it, but there are some really exciting collaborations and labels coming up. And we have a nice little tour coming up next month with Istanbul, Dubai, and Baku and an India tour, for example.

Thank you for your time guys! See you at ADE for “WE ARE ICONYC x DI.FM“!

Thanks for having us. We hope to see everyone on the dancefloor!

Solique’s Ordinary Things EP is out now via ICONYC. Purchase your copy here.

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