In a groundbreaking collaboration, Roland, the renowned Japanese instrument creator, and major label powerhouse Universal Music Group (UMG), have joined forces to establish a pioneering partnership and release a landmark manifesto titled "Principles for Music Creation with AI."
This visionary manifesto articulates the core values guiding the approach of both companies toward the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in music creation. Moreover, it serves as a catalyst for advocating the widespread adoption of these principles throughout the music industry and the creative community at large.
Beyond the publication of these guiding principles, Roland and UMG have unveiled plans for a comprehensive research and development initiative. This ambitious project aims to establish a cutting-edge hub focused on advancing methods for identifying music ownership and origins. Additionally, it seeks to seamlessly integrate Roland products into UMG-owned music production facilities, fostering an environment conducive to innovation and collaboration.
Outlined within the "Principles for Music Creation with AI" manifesto are foundational beliefs shared by both entities:
We believe music is central to humanity.
We believe humanity and music are inseparable.
We believe that technology has long supported human artistic expression, and applied sustainably, AI will amplify human creativity.
We believe that human-created works must be respected and protected.
We believe that transparency is essential to responsible and trustworthy AI.
We believe the perspectives of music artists, songwriters, and other creators must be sought after and respected.
We are proud to help bring music to life.
This landmark partnership and manifesto represent a significant milestone in the ongoing dialogue surrounding AI's role in music creation. Against the backdrop of ongoing discussions regarding ownership, creativity, intellectual property, and identity rights, initiatives like the "Principles for Music Creation with AI" underscore the collective commitment of industry leaders to foster responsible and ethical innovation.
As the music industry continues to navigate the evolving landscape shaped by technological advancements, collaborations such as this between Roland and UMG signal a proactive approach to addressing key challenges and shaping the future of music creation.
You can find out more about the new partnership here.
And you can learn more about the relationship between AI and music in our latest editorial here.